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Digital Dilemmas: Technology's Role in Societal Strife

Feeling like something is off is commonplace in the current social and political climate. A sense of despair and polarization is growing within our communities. But why is this happening? What is causing people to feel left out, left behind, and excluded? Let's explore the four significant forces contributing to people feeling lost, lonely, hopeless, discouraged, and disengaged, incubating despair and polarization in society.

multiracial group holding smartphones

Technology Transforming the Nature of Work

During the past decade, technology has reshaped the very nature of our work and social engagement. While it has certainly brought significant benefits, it has left many people feeling left behind. Automation and artificial intelligence have disrupted millions of jobs, leading to feelings of insecurity and displacement in the workforce. Similarly, the rise of online communication has led to decreased face-to-face interactions, causing individuals to feel disconnected and isolated. In the absence of meaningful connections, people are struggling to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Social Media Impacts: Fear of Missing Out

The rise of social media platforms has brought impressive benefits, but one of the downsides is the phenomenon known as "FOMO," or the fear of missing out. Seeing others share their fulfilling experiences can lead to feelings of resentment and inadequacy, especially among those who feel they are the only ones not having a good time. FOMO can be crippling, causing people to take risks and make poor decisions just to fit in. In the worst cases, it can lead to addiction, depression, and suicide.

Social Media Impacts: Polarization

Social media is polarizing our communities by promoting emotionally charged content to increase advertising revenues. These platforms rely on algorithms prioritizing content to increase user engagement and return visits, often highlighting divisive, hateful, or misleading material over helpful information. Those who repeatedly encounter this content can become radicalized, leading to the belief that the other side is evil or untrustworthy.

Social Media Impacts: Declining Social Connectedness

The decline in social connectedness is largely due to social media platforms shifting interactions from face-to-face to online platforms. These platforms allow us to stay in touch with friends and family, but excessive use of devices can lead to social isolation, loneliness, and lower life satisfaction. Social media's promotion of individualism and the always-online culture contribute to fewer community engagements and weaker social ties, reducing the depth and quality of interpersonal relationships.


Potent forces contribute to the growing sense of despair and polarization in our society. The impact of new workplace technologies and social media is incubating negative emotions. Technology has drastically altered the nature of work, causing uncertainties and insecurities. Moreover, with its constant barrage of curated content and fear-inducing news, social media has created a culture of FOMO (fear of missing out) and comparison. It has also fueled polarization by creating echo chambers where individuals only interact with like-minded people. But the most significant concern is the decline in social connectedness, which has left people feeling isolated and disconnected from their communities.

If we don't mitigate these challenges, we risk losing the significant progress toward democracy and well-being marked over the last 100 years by expanded civil rights, improved global health standards, and the widespread adoption of democratic governance.


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