Life is a puzzle,
We help you solve it.
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We help you find your path to success.
We believe you deserve to thrive personally and professionally; our mission is to help you succeed. We offer free Apps, quizzes, and resources to help you develop healthy relationships, discover your life's purpose, and pursue the career that works for you.
Life is a puzzle,
We help you solve it.

Define your
path for success

Develop the skills you need to thrive

Understand yourself

Understand yourself

Having a deep understanding of ourselves and others is truly a gift. The more we understand, the more grateful we can be for our lives. Sometimes we're lucky enough to grow up in a supportive home and receive these gifts naturally, but we'll still be missing a piece or two. And sometimes, we don't grow up in a supportive environment and must find these gifts for ourselves.
We help you identify the life skills you already have while helping you understand the gifts you haven't tapped into yet so you can develop a well-rounded set of life skills. These new skills will help you grow personally and professionally.
Your life is a combination of puzzle pieces representing different aspects such as self, career, relationships, and community. Sometimes, we need help to connect and align our puzzles to ensure we have the right pieces that fit perfectly.

Define your path for success

Use our thought-provoking quizzes to assess your interests, values, knowledge, and skills to discover your version of success. We're all different, so success is different for each of us.
Our quizzes offer personalized guidance and an action plan to help you make smarter decisions about your relationships and career. Fun, credible, and research-based resources help you figure out what matters to you and define your path to success. We have a proven track record of helping others grow personally and professionally.

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Read what our quiz takers have to say.

Quizzes are a great way to figure out where you are and how you can improve. Keep up the good work!


Your quizzes are amazing! They make you think and then learn how to develop. Thank you!


Your quizzes helped me to identify my interests and learning mindset. They were very helpful in pinpointing where I need to focus my efforts. Thanks for creating this!


I always knew that reflection was helpful. Taking the quiz and reflecting on the feedback made me think about how I approach learning new things.


We know you want to be successful, meaning you must live a life worth living. The problem is you don't understand your version of success or how to get there. This makes you feel stuck [and lost]. But everyone should get to live their version of success! So here are some steps in the journey to find your path to success.

Understand Yourself
The first piece of your puzzle is to understand yourself - your interests, learning mindset, values, and emotional Intelligence, to name a few.

Belonging Matters
Connecting with others stimulates curiosity and creativity and improves life satisfaction and mental and physical health.

Prepare for the New World of Work
Artificial Intelligence and automation are taking over jobs, but it doesn't mean machines will threaten the career you want (or have). We will help you prepare for the future of work.

Build Meaningful, Long-Lasting Relationships
Investing in the right personal and professional relationships is essential for success and will help you develop a network of supporters crucial for your future.

Develop The Skills You Need To Thrive
About Talent Transformation
Everyone feels stuck at some point. We've been there, too, feeling that there's a better life but not knowing how to get it. We've felt the sting of loneliness and dealt with the complex challenges of discovering our purpose to inspire us to develop the life we want. So we started Talent Transformation, a charity that helps people learn about themselves, others, and the future of work.
We've assembled a diverse team of advisors, experts, and psychologists to build technology and a community that helps people learn how to develop and thrive in the life they want to create.
The Foundation for Talent Transformation is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity that uses technology to help individuals thrive by providing free resources such as helpful quizzes and personalized development guides. The Foundation's resources help individuals understand what they don't know they don't know; this, in turn, stimulates curiosity and action to develop new skills.
Thanks to our donors, our resources are completely free

Hey, I’m Erica 👋 I’m ready for you to ask me anything!